The bloody demise of Antonio's family might be considered an "echo" of several events in Act II. After the birth of one of his children, Antonio finds himself discussing the matter with Delio. Antonio expresses anxiety over his delicate situation, saying, "...fear presents me / Somewhat that looks like danger (2.2. 73-74)." Delio attempts to calm Antonio by talking his concern up to nothing more than fear and explains how men are too often haunted by little more than mere superstition. He says, "How superstitiously we mind our evils! / The throwing down salt, or crossing of a hare, / Bleeding at nose, the stumbling of a horse, / Or singing of a cricket, are of pow'r / to daunt whole man in us (2.2. 77-81)." Incidentally, no more than one scene later, Antonio remarks, "My nose bleeds (2.3. 42)." Webster could not provide a more blunt line of foreshadowing! Antonio's bloody nose is but an "echo" of the blood shed that is to come. Antonio ignores this warning, however, saying, "One that were superstitious would count / This ominous, when it merely comes by chance. / Two letters, that were wrought here for my name, / Are drowned in blood! / Mere accident (2.3. 43-45)." Such a statement makes Antonio appear almost foolish by the end of the play. How could he ignore such a candid sign? Although, it is questionable whether or not he could do anything at that point in the plot to prevent the slaughter of his family. Perhaps his consoling self-talk is but a method of maintaining his sanity on a darkening road to death.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Just a Bloody Nose?
Antonio risks much through his marriage to the Duchess. There is no doubt that upon entering into the marriage, Antonio is aware of the fact that he is putting his life on the line, not to mention the lives of many other individuals of the court. He knows that blood could be shed as a result of his union with the Duchess, but it is questionable as to how seriously he takes this idea into account.
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