Friday, March 27, 2009

Kiss and Tell

The word proctor, initially was understood as a person involved in the legal field with a specialty in church law, wills etc.[1] I agreed with Robbie in my assumption that this position 'should' tale a certain amount of intelligence and "wit" to execute. Littlewit's parading of Win-the-Fight in un-puritan dress and his insistence that Win accept the kisses of both Winwife and Quarlous seem to prove that Littlewit has no wit at all. Johnson presents us with a man that seems to be willing to trade his wife's honor for the security of being in favor with the future husband of the duchess. The Duchess clearly has a hand in the support of Littlewit's household, Johnson seems to imply that the women will just have to adjust and accommodate everyone until a suitor is chosen by the Duchess. I think it is particularly scandalous that Littlewit allows two unmarried men, outside the immediate family, to kiss his pregnant wife despite her protests. Perhaps Littlewit is only 'witty' because he knows how to manipulate the perception of his family to his advantage. Is a man kissing another man's wife only a concern in modern times?

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